Whether your horse wears four shoes or just fronts, I custom fit and hot shoe every horse!
Therapeutic Shoeing
Usually in tandem with a veterinarian. Working to get your horse sound again!
Keeping your barefoot horse going comfortably!

Born and raised in Colorado, I'm a Certified Journeyman Farrier through the American Farriers Association. My wife and I have 5 Kids, and when I'm not shoeing horses, I love spending time in the outdoors with my family and helping my wife homeschool the kids!
2024 marks my 13th year as a full-time farrier in Colorado. I've been blessed to do what I love for a living! Give me a call or shoot me a text today, and we can chat about your horse's needs.

I keep all of my clients on a 6–8-week schedule. As a result, it can be difficult to reschedule on short notice, and new clients will usually have to wait 1-3 weeks to get scheduled depending on the time of year. So, plan accordingly! Give me a call or shoot me a text and I'd love to discuss your horse's needs and begin working with you. 970-260-9329

Barefoot vs. Shod
How do I know if my horse should be barefoot or shod?
In most cases the answer to this question has to do with the type of work your horse is doing, as well as your horse's hoof growth/wear and comfort level. If the rate of hoof wear exceeds the rate of hoof growth, then your horse will need shoes. Shoes also help protect against stone bruising on flat footed horses, and can help correct and heal certain lameness and injuries. However, I also work on lots of horses that do great being barefoot year-round.

Why Hot Shoeing?
There are many benefits to hot shoeing a horse. For starters, when shaping a shoe it's a lot easier to put the shape of the foot into hot steel rather than cold steel. Additionally, when burning the shoe on, it creates a seamless surface between the shoe and the hoof. Another reason is that it seals the horn tubules in the foot, and keeps them from drying out in a dry climate or taking on moisture and softening in a wet environment. The intense heat also helps to kill any fungus and bacteria that may cause problems in the hoof. Lastly, the hoof burns "a picture" onto the back of the shoe that helps me get the perfect fit by knowing exactly where the foot is fitting within the shoe.

How Far Do I Travel?
I'm usually somewhere in Fort Collins, Loveland, or Longmont. But I get as far North as Wellington and as far East as Greeley.
A peek into my everyday life